Our vision
Our goal is to provide excellent and inclusive education for all learners, from birth to adulthood. This vision underpins our work across the borough, including Special Educational Needs and Disability, Alternative Education Provision, Early Years, and Pupil Place Planning.
Our Pillars
- Safe and healthy: All children and young people in Lambeth are safe and healthy.
- Early and full-time education: All children will start their learning experiences at the earliest opportunity and receive suitable, full-time education.
- Inclusive educational settings: All children and young people will have access to excellent, high-performing, efficient, and inclusive educational settings.
- Future-Ready: All children and young people will have the opportunities, qualifications, skills, and attributes to live independent and successful lives, and contribute positively to their communities.
Our Priorities
- High performing schools and early years settings
- Early and best start to education
- Efficient Schools
- Post-16 and Post-18 employment and education skills
- Zero permanent exclusions
- Inclusive education for those with Special Educational Needs (SEND)
- Good attendance and safe environments
- Removing educational inequality and disadvantage in attainment
- Staff and Governor development
View the Lambeth's Education and Learning Strategy 2024 - 2030