Reporting a faulty street light
If you see a faulty street light you can report it to the council, and we will arrange for it to be repaired.
Faulty street lights include:
- Section of street light is Out
- Column covers that have come off (street light damaged)
- Street light flickering
- Street light knock down
- Lights that should not be on during the day (street light on during day)
- Lights that don't come on at night (streetlight out)
When you contact us to report a fault, please provide as much information as you can, including a description of the problem, its location and, if possible, the asset identification number. We will aim to repair any faulty lights on our public highways within five working days. For urgent failures, such as when a column has been knocked down or when cables are exposed, we will aim to respond within one hour.
Before you report a faulty street light
Please note that we need to know if the faulty streetlight is on a Lambeth Housing estate, because these reports would need to be re-directed.
Furthermore, we are neither responsible for the lighting on private roads nor Red Routes. If the fault is on a private road, you will need to refer the problem to the property freeholder. If the faulty streetlight is on a Red Route, please report it to Transport for London
Electrical failure
Following Lambeth's introduction of LED street lighting, the number of faults has considerably reduced. Those that do occur are now more likely to be due to faults in the electrical cable rather than the streetlight.
For this reason, we’ve been working with UK Power Network (UKPN) on launching a self-service website that allows anyone to keep track of an electrical cable fault that is stopping a streetlight from working. By zooming in to their map, you can see if they are already aware of the cable fault. If the fault does not appear on their map, please report it us.
Lambeth Lighting Services
We have a Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Streetlighting Contract with Lambeth Lighting Services. They manage lighting assets with a database called ‘Muse’. This system holds an accurate inventory and allows an operative to record, update and monitor asset (streetlighting) data. Any changes in the condition and functionality of the assets are recorded and updated regularly. Muse helps the operative to plan works and manage operations. This partnership also gives Lambeth access to Muse for the purpose of viewing activity reports for different assets, plus check on their performance.
Lambeth Lighting Services manage the following assets:
Asset Type |
No. |
Lighting Columns |
12772 |
Illuminated Signs |
1983 |
Feeder Pillars |
254 |
The contractor is responsible for the following maintenance activities listed below:
Activity |
Frequency |
Night-scouting |
Structural testing |
Electrical testing |
Painting |
Cleaning |
Operatives record faults or performance issues on an electronic Management Information System and aim to arrange repairs within five working days. They look for the following items:
- Light Emitting Diode (LED) lanterns not operating as planned
- Lamps not operating as planned
- Misaligned lanterns/projection brackets
- Missing or damaged equipment
- Doors missing or not protecting electrical equipment
- Trees or bushes obscuring lights or signs
- Missing bowls or diffusers
- Vandalised equipment (including any unauthorised attachments)
- Graffiti
- Leaning Apparatus
- Damage to authorised attachments