Jobs in Lambeth schools
Find the information you need for teaching roles and non-teaching roles.
Applying for Early Career Teacher (ECT) positions
If you hold Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), but have not yet completed Induction, or anticipate being awarded QTS before September 2023, we would welcome an application from you to our ECT Pool.
More information about making your application can be found on the TeachLambeth website.
Successful Applications
If your application is accepted into the ECT Pool, all relevant Lambeth schools will be able to view your application.
If a school then has a vacancy for which they would consider an ECT, they will look at all relevant Pool applications for their position, and shortlist and invite their choice of candidates in for a visit and/or interview.
Your application will be visible to all relevant schools for all relevant vacancies - therefore, it may be the case that you hear from a second school before you've been to another school for a visit/interview.
Please close your application on the TeachLambeth website if you secure a position, either in Lambeth or elsewhere - it will save schools considering unnecessary applications, and will stop you receiving unnecessary communication from schools.
Other ways to find a position in Lambeth
As well as using the ECT Pool or the TeachLambeth website, some schools may also advertise vacant posts which are suitable for ECTs - particularly whilst the ECT Pool is establishing itself.
These advertisements will appear in the Times Educational Supplement and on the TES website or ETeach.
If you are interested in an advertised vacancy, you should apply directly to the school.
Applying for post-induction teaching positions
If you hold Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), and have also completed your ECT induction period, we would welcome an application from you to our Qualified Teachers Pool.
More information about making your application can be found on the TeachLambeth website.
Successful Applications
If your application is accepted into the Qualified Teachers Pool, all relevant Lambeth schools will be able to view your application.
If a school then has a vacancy, they will look at all relevant Pool applications for their position, and invite those of particular interest to them to make a full application for their position.
Your application will be visible to all relevant schools for all relevant vacancies - therefore, it may be the case that you hear from a second school before an application to another school has been concluded.
Please close your application on the TeachLambeth website if you secure a position, either in Lambeth or elsewhere - it will save schools considering unnecessary applications, and will stop you receiving unnecessary communication from schools.
Other ways to find a position in Lambeth
As well as using the Qualified Teachers Pool or the TeachLambeth website, some schools may also advertise vacant posts - particularly whilst the Qualified Teachers Pool is establishing itself.
These advertisements will appear in the Times Educational Supplement and on the TES website or E-Teach.
If you are interested in an advertised vacancy, you should apply directly to the school.
Applying for non-teaching school-based positions
Non-teaching school-based positions are advertised on the Teach Lambeth website.