
Lambeth’s Transport Strategy sets out our vision for mobility and accessibility in the borough. In order to deliver fairer, healthier, more efficient mobility options for our growing population and to meet our climate change objectives, we need to plan and deliver a raft of improvements across Lambeth.

The Transport Strategy includes five guiding principles and associated high level objectives, as well as providing examples of key projects to support these. The Transport Strategy Implementation Plan (TSIP) has been developed in order to provide more information on the projects and initiatives that the council expects to see delivered over the Strategy timeline – the next 20 years.

The TSIP represents the practical implementation of the Transport Strategy. As an example of this, the Strategy sets out the criteria by which the council will prioritise neighbourhood traffic reduction interventions: where there is evidence of ‘rat running’, where school pupils are affected, air quality is poor, collisions high and where a ‘healthy route’ is proposed. In response, the TSIP includes analysis identifying areas where those criteria apply and therefore where changes may be required. All of the projects and initiatives included in the TSIP support the objectives of the Strategy.

The TSIP is a process rather than a fixed point and will therefore be updated regularly. As set out in the Transport Strategy, new developments in the transport sector are coming thick and fast and the TSIP needs to keep up with this. It also needs to respond to our renewed emphasis and determination to tackle climate change and other challenges that may arise over the coming years. In this first iteration of the TSIP further information is provided in a number of key areas, such as our approach to Low Traffic Neighbourhoods. We have identified a wide range of other topic areas where further development work is required and the outputs from this work will be published in future iterations of the TSIP.

The TSIP will also provide a monitoring mechanism for the Transport Strategy to show how we are delivering against our objectives and the targets set in the Mayor’s Transport Strategy.