Transport Strategy Implementation Plan


Background to the Implementation Plan and its links to the Lambeth Transport Strategy

Policy context

The TSIP will include a broad range of topics, covering many aspects of transport and travel in Lambeth and beyond, over the short, medium and longer term.

Project map

Find out more about the projects and initiatives identified as part of the implementation plan.


Summary of the projects and programmes that are expected to be covered by the TSIP, including those that are contained within this first iteration.

Topic areas

Information about some of the key topics/programmes, including healthy routes, low traffic neighbourhoods and electric vehicle charging is contained in the appendices to the plan. 

Transport delivery programme

We are committed to providing up-to-date information on projects and initiatives through the TSIP, including when we expect these to be delivered and their current status.

Targets and monitoring

Information about our targets, how we will monitor them and how they relate to the Mayor's Transport Strategy for London.

Working with the community to deliver change

Our plans have been developed in partnership, and we're committed to keep working with the community to as the implementation plan develops.

Major highways schemes

The council is working with Transport for London on a number of major interventions to the highway network that TfL controls.

Delivery models

We have identified four delivery models to help us take the right approach for each infrastructure project in the implementation plan.

View our Transport Strategy

This implementation plan is linked closely to Lambeth’s Transport Strategy which sets out our vision for mobility and accessibility in the borough. The implementation plan is about how we make our strategy a reality. To read the strategy, click below.