Local Implementation Plan (LIP) Annual Spending Submission (Appendix D)

Lambeth adopted a new Local Implementation Plan (LIP) in May 2019. The LIP sets out how the Mayor’s Transport Strategy will be delivered by individual London boroughs and is a statutory requirement under the 1999 Greater London Authority Act.

Transport for London (TfL) provide an annual LIP grant to boroughs, the value of which is confirmed each year once TfL’s business plan is approved. This sets the overall level of funding London local authorities will receive and it is distributed between each authority using an agreed formula.

The third section of the borough’s LIP contains a three year indicative Programme of Investment for period 2019/20 to 2021/22.

In addition to this boroughs are required to submit an Annual Spending Submission (ASS) to TfL each year to confirm how the LIP grant will be spent in the next financial year.

Each year Lambeth prepares a programme that will best deliver both the Mayor’s and our local objectives, taking into account a range of factors including impact and deliverability. The ASS must be approved by TfL and this normally happens in December each year.

Read the full LIP Annual Spending Submission in the full PDF.