Better and fairer Lambeth directory

Displaying 1 - 10 of 22
  • 114 to 118 Lower Marsh redevelopment

    • Vauxhall and Waterloo
    114-118 Lower Marsh and Granby Place, will be transformed into office and retail space for small to medium size businesses.
    Status: In delivery
  • 49 Brixton Station Road and 6 Canterbury Crescent

    • Brixton

    Delivering new homes, workspace, market infrastructure and public realm improvements that benefit the Borough’s residents and businesses. 


    49 Brixton Station Road and 6 Canterbury Crescent are two council-ow

    Status: In development
  • Cemeteries Investment Programme

    • Norwood
    • Streatham
    Our Investment Programme into three cemeteries in the borough responds to the need to maintain historic fabric and provide high quality burial areas for Lambeth residents and the bereaved.
    Status: In delivery
  • Central Hill estate

    • Norwood
    The council is rebuilding the Central Hill estate to provide hundreds of new, better homes for existing tenants and people on the council’s housing list.
    Status: In development
  • Crowdfund Lambeth

    • Lambeth wide
    Crowdfund Lambeth supports community projects and initiatives in the borough. Find out if your project could be eligible for match-funding up to £5000.
    Status: In delivery

    • Lambeth wide
    Lambeth’s mission to open up the creative and cultural sector for all young people.
    Status: In delivery
  • Granby Space

    • Vauxhall and Waterloo
    A temporary affordable workspace project on Lower Marsh, Waterloo.
    Status: Completed
  • Lambeth 2030 : Our Future, Our Lambeth

    • Lambeth wide

    Our Lambeth 2030 Vision Statement

    "Lambeth – a borough with social and climate justice at its heart.

    Status: In delivery
  • Lambeth Bee Roads

    • Lambeth wide
    Status: In delivery
  • Lambeth United: review into sites with historic links to the slave trade

    • Lambeth wide
    Working with the community to acknowledge and review locations in the borough with historic direct and indirect links to the trans-Atlantic slave trade and colonialism
    Status: In delivery