Better and fairer Lambeth directory

Displaying 1 - 10 of 24
  • 114 to 118 Lower Marsh redevelopment

    • Vauxhall and Waterloo
    114-118 Lower Marsh and Granby Place, will be transformed into office and retail space for small to medium size businesses.
    Status: In delivery
  • 49 Brixton Station Road and 6 Canterbury Crescent

    • Brixton

    Delivering new homes, workspace, market infrastructure and public realm improvements that benefit the Borough’s residents and businesses. 


    49 Brixton Station Road and 6 Canterbury Crescent are two council-ow

    Status: In development
  • Crowdfund Lambeth

    • Lambeth wide
    Crowdfund Lambeth supports community projects and initiatives in the borough. Find out if your project could be eligible for match-funding up to £5000.
    Status: In delivery
  • Cycle Quietway 5

    • Clapham
    • Vauxhall and Waterloo
    Quietway 5 is a cycle route linking Waterloo to Norbury that passes through Lambeth North, Vauxhall and Clapham.
    Status: In delivery
  • Granby Space

    • Vauxhall and Waterloo
    A temporary affordable workspace project on Lower Marsh, Waterloo.
    Status: Completed
  • Lambeth 2030 : Our Future, Our Lambeth

    • Lambeth wide

    Our Lambeth 2030 Vision Statement

    "Lambeth – a borough with social and climate justice at its heart.

    Status: In delivery
  • Lambeth Bee Roads

    • Lambeth wide
    Status: In delivery
  • Northern Line Extension

    • Vauxhall and Waterloo
    The extension will add a new Nine Elms station to Lambeth and support 3,500 new homes and 8,000 new jobs in the borough.
    Status: In delivery
  • Oasis Academy Johanna Feasibility Assessment

    • Vauxhall and Waterloo
    A study of the redevelopment potential of Oasis Academy Johanna primary school.
    Status: In development
  • Place: Lambeth is a place people want to live, work and invest

    • Lambeth wide
    Continuing to make Lambeth a place people want to live, work and invest.
    Status: In delivery