EarlyBird Plus
EarlyBird Plus is a 3 month group programme offered to parents/carers of children aged from 4 to 9 years old with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis.
The programme has been developed by The National Autistic Society to help you to understand your child’s behaviour and develop strategies to strengthen communication and interaction. EarlyBird Plus also aims to promote a consistent approach by encouraging parents to attend the sessions with a professional who is working regularly with their child.
Early Bird Plus information sessions provide parents with more in depth knowledge of the 3 month programme, the dates of the next programme and how to apply.
To attend an upcoming information session register with the Parenting Support Service (ASD).
Find out more about services and support for children and young people, aged 0 to 25, with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in Lambeth’s SEND Local Offer.