How we will deliver on this strategy
Lambeth has long been at the forefront of innovation and excellence in public realm design and walking and cycling initiatives. Many of the schemes and projects we have delivered are now to be found replicated across London and further afield. From the humble bike hangar which Lambeth first developed, to our pioneering neighbourhood enhancement programme, to major public realm schemes in our town centres and ground breaking work on cycling with equalities groups, we have led the way. We now want to build on this success in the years to come.
The Transport Strategy Implementation Plan (TSIP) prepared alongside this Strategy sets out how we will implement the key objectives and initiatives it contains. The TSIP is a process rather than a fixed point and will be updated on a regular basis. The first iteration of the TSIP includes projects and initiatives that are already planned, or are under consideration. Details and timescales are provided wherever possible. In some areas, further analysis is required and the TSIP undertakes to carry out this work, with the outputs to be published when available. The TSIP represents the practical enactment of the Transport Strategy, implementing the objectives we have confirmed with the community through an extensive consultation process. Community engagement is on-going and will be essential given the very significant changes we expect will be required to deliver key objectives, not least around the issue of tackling climate change. The outcomes, outputs and actions identified in this Strategy are expected to be implemented over the short, medium and longer term covering the next 20 years. Large scale transport infrastructure projects are notorious for their extended timescales and we will need to work together with the Mayor and government to make these happen. But there’s a lot we can do in the shorter term to deliver real change, with targeted improvements to our streets and public spaces to make them safer, more accessible and with less motor traffic. We will also continue to work with schools and the wider community to deliver innovative educational and training programmes to give more people the skills and confidence to walk, cycle and use public transport.
Development in our borough has a major role to play in delivering our Strategy. We will expect and require new developments to deliver our objectives, not only through embedding car free lifestyles for new residents, but by helping improve our transport network for everyone. This is in all our interests – infrastructure is required to support growth, and growth is required to support improved infrastructure for everyone. Securing the Northern Line Extension is a good example of this approach. We are already using developer contributions to help deliver our highways delivery programme and some of the major schemes identified in this Strategy, and this is particularly important in building financial resilience in the face of reduced public sector funding.
We will continue to invest in maintaining and improving our streets from existing budgets and funding streams and seek new sources of income. The Mayor and Transport for London also have a key role to play in providing funding towards delivering major highway improvements and public realm schemes, such as those at Waterloo, Vauxhall and Streatham Hill, and delivering strategic cycling routes. We believe this Strategy demonstrates our commitment to the Mayor’s objectives and will help us make the case for continued investment in Lambeth.
Sitting alongside this Strategy is our new Local Implementation Plan and Local Plan Review. The LIP includes a three-year delivery plan showing how we intend to invest the grant we receive from the Mayor in order to deliver his and our transport objectives. The TSIP includes a summary of the projects we will deliver in 2020/21 using LIP funding.
We have also identified priority transport projects which will support growth in our updated Infrastructure Delivery Plan, which forms part of our Local Plan and should be read alongside this Strategy.
Finally, we are committed to monitoring the implementation of this Strategy and the outcomes it delivers. We will do so as part of our Annual Monitoring Report (AMR), including reviewing performance against the delivery indicators set out in our Local Implementation Plan and supplemented by additional indicators as set out in the TSIP. This Transport Strategy will be reviewed after five years and in line with future reviews of the Lambeth Local Plan.