We will work to deliver Vision Zero, reducing road danger and KSIs (Killed and Seriously Injured) through targeted infrastructure improvements and work with the Police on enforcement campaigns. |
Reduction in KSIs and collision rates for vulnerable road users.20mph on TfL roads and compliance by all vehicles including buses.Delivery of collision reduction schemes at priority locations.Lobby for powers to enforce speed limits, the introduction of stricter liability laws and measures to protect vulnerable road users, such as British Cycling’s Turning the Corner campaign. |
Borough-wide |
We will work with TfL, local police and communities to reduce the risk to young people and adults of violence on our transport network |
Measurable reduction in incidents related to the transport network.Identification and targeting of the highest risk areas in the transport system.Establishment of agreed safe areas for young people in those areas to be safer from violence.Support for transport staff to intervene where safe in an incident and de-escalate appropriately.Building out crime as part of wider regeneration plans and in the physical design of our transport hubs. |
Focus on priority areas |
We will make every opportunity count across all of the council’s investment in streets to ensure that all changes deliver access and safety improvements for walking and cycling. |
Allocation of LIP funding and other investment secured. Targeted interventions to reduce road danger and improve walking environment. Incorporate road danger reduction focus into all programmes. |
Borough-wide |
We will enable walking and cycling to school, particularly where car use is high, to reduce motor traffic, tackle health issues and improve air quality. |
Walking bus initiatives, cycling initiatives, school road closures and educational campaigns. |
Borough-wide |
We will deliver Lambeth’s first Liveable Neighbourhood in Brixton and work with residents in other areas who wish to create low-traffic neighbourhoods. |
Scheme implementation by summer 2023, measurable increase in walk and cycle trips.Low-traffic neighbourhoods prioritising areas with high density of school pupils. |
Brixton and other neighbourhoods |