Strategic outcomes
Strategic outcomes |
Success criteria |
Where |
Transport related emissions have fallen significantly so that air quality across Lambeth is well within safe limits. |
Local air quality meets safe standards, motor traffic reduction, take up of electric vehicles, clean bus fleet. Mode shift to active travel. |
Borough-wide |
Our transport network is carbon neutral. |
CO2 reduction to meet 2030 target. Car ownership has fallen significantly. Low/zero emissions zones cover the whole borough, with car free areas at key locations. Freight and serving are carried out by electric and alternative fuelled vehicles. Significant increase in tree coverage and street greening. |
Borough-wide |
Our transport network is resilient to the impacts of climate change. |
Our transport infrastructure and services are designed and maintained to cope with the impacts of increased temperatures and extreme weather events. |
Borough-wide |
Priority actions
Priority actions |
Outcomes and actions |
Success criteria |
Enable a shift away from dependency on private vehicles while enabling a shift to low and zero emissions vehicles to meet remaining needs. |
Rollout of at least 200 EV charge points by 2022. |
Borough-wide |
Lead by example through the council’s own fleet and travel policies. |
Review staff car use policy by 2020.Any remaining fleet vehicles to be low-emission, such as electric, by 2022.Significantly increase staff use of cycles, public transport and walking for work journeys, year on year. |
Borough-wide |
We will set differential parking charges to incentivise the uptake of low and zero emissions vehicles. |
Publication of kerbside strategy. Implementation of variable parking charges. |
Borough-wide |
We will promote an Ultra Low Emissions Zone covering the whole of Lambeth and London |
Implementation of the expanded ULEZ by 2021. Work with GLA/TfL on future coverage. |
Borough-wide |
We will improve air quality and create more attractive places by greening our streets. |
Delivery of green infrastructure, such as pocket parks, green screens and 1,000 street trees by 2022. |
Borough-wide |
We will develop and bring forward traffic corridor plans that respond to the need to reduce emissions through the allocation of modal priorities on these routes. |
Review of main road corridors based on need to reduce CO2 emissions. Focus on A23 corridor to trial this approach as part of Streatham to Oval Cycleway. |
Borough-wide |
We will work with TfL and neighbouring boroughs to develop traffic demand management strategies to reduce through motor traffic. |
We will assess the potential for a Workplace Parking Levy and work with neighbouring boroughs to promote freight and construction consolidation across the sub region. |
Borough-wide |