Road Danger Reduction Strategy

Lambeth’s Road Danger Reduction Strategy takes a new approach to reducing the number of people seriously injured or killed on the roads. The council has adopted planning principles that will prioritise the safety of pedestrians, cyclists, and all road users to make streets “Safe by Design”. It will mean junctions that everyone can use, main roads where people feel confident to cycle, and fewer cars, travelling at lower speeds.

The strategy also reveals links between peoples’ personal circumstance and their risk of being killed or seriously injured when travelling on our streets. People who live in deprived areas are almost three times more likely to be involved in a collision, while nine in ten victims of road danger are pedestrians, cyclists, or motorcycle riders.

The Strategy is part of Lambeth Council’s Healthy Streets approach.  Making our roads safer will empower more of us to walk, scoot and cycle more and this helps reduce pollution. Less motor vehicles on our streets also means there is more space for other things, including trees and green spaces that help us adapt to a warming climate.

How to view the strategy

We've broken the strategy down into different formats to help you understand what it is and how it will work!

Watch videos about the strategy  

Find out more by watching this short video to explain how the new approach will support everyone in the borough to be safer.  


Read the full strategy

For all the details view the full strategy.

Related strategies

We have a number of other programmes and strategies which are connected to our Kerbside Strategy. 

Transport Strategy

This strategy sets out how we will build a transport network that is inclusive, and has a positive impact on quality of life and the environment, helping us deliver more homes and jobs and ensuring long term sustainability.

View the Transport Strategy

Climate Action Plan

Lambeth’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) sets out a vision and 20 goals for our borough to be net zero and climate resilient by 2030. It was developed through a citizen's assembly on climate change.

View the Climate Action Plan

The Big Shift

This strategy is part of a wider programme called the Big Shift, which brings together a number of initiatives to help residents, businesses and schools choose cleaner and healthier ways of getting around the borough, such as walking, cycling and public transport.

View the Big Shift programme