Vision Zero asserts that no death on our roads is inevitable or acceptable. In recent years the number of people killed or seriously injured (KSI) on our roads has begun to rise again, after many years of decline, and the people most affected are ‘vulnerable’ road users – people walking and cycling and riding motorcycles. Nine out of 10 KSIs are from these groups. Lambeth has been a pioneer of the principles of Road Danger Reduction – tackling road danger at source, rather than just promoting coping strategies for people most at risk, and actively prioritising walking and cycling over general traffic.
Delivering our Healthy Route Network will address many locations where road casualties are happening, but we will also need to invest at other locations across the borough in order to make our roads safe for everyone. A targeted approach is required, with locations with the highest number of casualties/greatest collision risk treated first. Details of our approach to road danger reduction will be included in the Transport Strategy Implementation Plan.