Drawing together the transport and policy context, our evidence base and what you have told us about your priorities for transport in Lambeth, we have developed a range of responses which will shape the future of mobility, accessibility, public health and the environment in Lambeth and beyond over the next 20 years.
Our Strategy is comprised of three main elements: our Vision Statement, our Guiding Principles and our Outcomes and Actions Plan.
To complement the Transport Strategy, we have also prepared the Transport Strategy Implementation Plan (TSIP), providing more details of the projects and initiatives involved. The TSIP represents the practical implementation of the Transport Strategy and is a process rather than a fixed point, with regular updates planned to follow the first iteration. The TSIP will also provide a monitoring mechanism for the Strategy.
Our vision for Transport in Lambeth is that:
Our transport network is inclusive and has a positive impact on quality of life and the environment, helping us deliver more homes and jobs and ensuring long term sustainability.
We prioritise walking and cycling and a high-quality street environment and our transport network is safe and accessible to everyone. People want to live, work and invest here because we focus on people, not traffic, and create better places for all to enjoy.
In the sections below, view more information about our guiding principles, strategic outcomes and priority actions. Each principle has a comprehensive list of strategic outcomes and priority actions linked with it. These are the key areas we will be working on and the next steps we will be taking to make progress on them.