Delighted to work in partnership with Lambeth and to realise social value outcomes for residents, Wates’ operations director shares their intention.
Social Value Events taken place so far:
Local Employment
Wates staff volunteered their time and held X2 sessions at Brixton Construction Skills Centre to help a young person who is no longer in education, employment or training (NEET) with interview skills and mock interviews on 20 & 27 July 2021.
Education & Learning
Two Lambeth residents have signed up and are actively participating in the Wates Learning Portal.
In addition, 7 young women (Lambeth residents) are being actively supported by Wates following engagement with the Young Women’s Trust.
21 hours have been invested by staff volunteering with initiatives in Lambeth in particular working with Construction Youth UK and the Tree Conservation Volunteers (TCV)
50 trees were planted in Brockwell Park as part of The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) initiative.