Message board
- Only £5 per course for childminders! Visit the training page to book on a great selection of training opportunities.
- If you're due an Ofsted inspection, take a look at our top tips to prepare for your inspection.
- Is your Paediatric First Aid training up-to-date? Email Fatima Jove at for the next course dates.
- About your Public Liability Insurance - remember, this is a legal requirement, even if a child is not attending your setting.
- We are delighted to be working with the National Literacy Trust on a new project called Early Words with Childminders to support children’s language and literacy skills. Please contact Lorraine at for more information.
- Wraparound care - accessing term time childcare.
Childminders locality network meetings
Join our free online sessions to discuss news, share information and meet other childminders in the borough.
Next meetings: Your Locality Team will be in contact soon with a date.
The next face to face forum will be in June 2025.