Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) resources
We know that early identification of special educational needs is of crucial importance. When needs are identified and supported early children make better progress.
- Find SEND information and support at Lambeth Local Offer
- If a child is showing signs of a speech or language delay or disorder, a referral can be made to the community speech and language therapy service at Evelina London
- Universally Speaking is a guide by I CAN and The Communication Trust that provides guidance on the ages and stages of children’s communication development from birth to 5 years
- Find services for Disabled Children
- Access free special educational needs training by signing up to the Dingley's Promise Early Years inclusion training.
- Get awarded with a special childminders inclusion friendly kitemark.
Early Years SEND code of practice advice guide
The Early Years SEND code of practice advice template is a guide is for managers and staff in all early years education settings funded by the local authority.
The guide explains the duties and responsibilities of providers of early years education who deal with children and young people with special educational needs and disability (SEND) and their families.