If an allegation is made that you, or anyone in your home, has harmed a child, you must report it to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO):
- Email: LADO@lambeth.gov.uk - copy in helpandprotection@lambeth.gov.uk and help.protection@lambeth.cjsm.net
Allegations against a childminder
This applies to: assistants, family members, lodgers, or any person living or working within a childminders premises.
What is an allegation?
If someone is alleged to have:
- behaved in a way that has harmed, or may have harmed, a child
- possibly committed a criminal offence. against children, or related to a child
- behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates s/he is unsuitable to work with children
- there are concerns about an individual’s behaviour to his/her own children
- there are concerns about behaviour in the private or community life of a person.
When receiving an allegation or concern
- Treat it seriously and keep an open mind
- Do not investigate or ask leading questions if seeking clarification
- Do not make assumptions or offer alternative explanations
- Do not promise confidentiality
- Make a written record, as far as possible in the child/adult’s own words
- Include time/date/place of incident(s), persons present and what was said
- Sign and date the written record.
- Do not disclose the allegation to the accused person
- Do not investigate the matter or interview the adult that the allegation is about, or the child concerned or potential witnesses.
- Obtain written details, signed and dated by the person receiving the allegation (not the child/adult making the allegation).
- Countersign and date the written details.
- Record any information about times, dates and location of incident(s) and names of any potential witnesses.
- Record discussions about the child and/or adult, any decisions made, and the reasons for those decisions.
- Complete initial enquires to determine whether the matter is patently or demonstrably false and to get some background info around the incident.
- Record details of the parent/carer/siblings.
The childminder must ensure that children are safeguarded
This means:
- Considering suspension of an assistant or co Childminder without prejudice (suspension should not be automatic)
- Completing a formal risk assessment
This would usually be decided after consultation with the LADO or safeguarding team.
Suspension should be considered in any case where:
- there is a cause to suspect a child is at risk of significant harm, or
- the allegation warrants police investigation, or
- the allegation is so serious that it might be grounds for dismissal
Persons to be notified
The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) must be notified within one working day. The LADO will provide advice, guidance and help to determine whether the allegation sits within the scope of the procedures.
A referral form must be completed and sent to the LADO.
The LADO helps to co-ordinate information-sharing with the right people and will also monitor and track any investigation, with the aim to resolve it as quickly as possible.
Ofsted must also be notified of the allegation.
The LADO should always be consulted first about allegations, to take advice on whether informing the parents or the adult will impede the investigation process or place the child or children at further risk.
Every effort should be made to maintain confidentiality while an allegation is being investigated.
Apart from keeping the child, parents and accused person up-to-date, information should be restricted to those who have a need to know in order to protect children.
- Advise the adult to contact his/her union or professional association if applicable.
- Help all parties to understand the process
- Do not use ‘Compromise Agreements’
- Maintain confidentiality (Remind all not to discuss/comment on social media)
Guard against unwanted publicity.