A Closer look at the EYFS Reforms
The course will take an in depth look at the learning and development requirements with a focus on the educational programme, the principles of assessment and ensuring that children make progress through sequential learning concentrating on the prime and the specific areas of learning.
Blended Paediatric First Aid
Subjects covered include:
- Role of a first aider, accident reporting and the first aid box, Epilepsy and Convulsions
- Action planning in an emergency, Infant, child and adult resuscitation (CPR)
- Infant, child and adult action for choking, Childhood conditions
- Head injuries, Diabetes, Sickle Cell Anaemia, Meningitis
- Hypo/Hyperthermia; Asthma and respiratory infections
- Allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock
- Treatment for bleeding, shock and burns, poisoning, bites and stings
- Treatment for sprains, strains and fractures; Eye, nose and ear obstructions
The blended paediatric first aid course is in 2 parts.
Part 1 involves completing an interactive eLearning module and this can be done any time before you attend the face-to-face training. You must complete the online before attending the face to face training. You will be sent a link to the eLearning module when you book this course. Complete this eLearning module on any device.
Part 2 is a one-day face to face course where you will learn and carry out all the practical sections of the course.
Difficult Conversations with Parents
This session will give you strategies to support you through difficult conversations with parents.
Exploring positive images of the black community through a core book approach
The session will explore how racism can affect children in early years and highlight the importance of providing children with positive images of the black community.
The session will invite practitioners to identify meaningful ways to explore racial and cultural diversity with very young children through core books.
- Practitioners will explore the new non-statutory guidance of Development Matters as a tool to inform planning.
- Practitioners will also be supported to understand how a core book can be used to teach children new skills and knowledge by exploring key aspects of the story.
- Practitioners will have a deeper awareness of issues regarding race and identity in the early years.
- Practitioners will also develop their repertoire of picture books which can be used effectively promote diversity.
EYFS Reforms Briefings
The session will support practitioners to understand the importance of the new EYFS reforms. The session will briefly explore and highlight aspects of everyday practice and provision for evaluation and future action planning.
Homebased Childcare Course
Become a childminder.
Our Online 4-day home-based childcare course will help you to become a childminder. The course is delivered by the Lambeth Early Years Team and will support you through the Ofsted registration process. You will learn about the legal requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and how to set up and manage your own childminding business. You will receive a pack of useful documents that will support your registration and future career as a childminder.
Level 3/4 Course for Designated Safeguarding Leads in Early Years Settings
This course is for managers / designated safeguarding leads (and deputies) of Early Years Settings (nurseries, play groups, group child minding, children’s centres, etc). The course covers the main responsibilities and knowledge required to carry out the role of designated safeguarding lead (DSL).
The course consists of two half days, on-line training. You should attend both.
Participants should previously have relevant experience in safeguarding or undertaken an introductory (level 1 / 2) child protection awareness course.
The course meets the requirements of the London Safeguarding Children Partnership at Level 3/4.
Those settings which are officially schools should register for the separate specific course for schools which addresses the Government Guidance: Keeping Children Safe in Education, 2020. This is available on the Lambeth Schools Services Website.
Through presentation, teaching, discussion and examples the course will examine the role of the DSL, the management of cases of suspected child abuse or neglect, and ensuring an organisation meets good safeguarding standards. It will draw on legislation, national and local guidance and research.
Learning Objectives: Consider key legislation and guidance that determines the organisation’s policies for child safeguarding and welfare
- Understand how to respond effectively to a suspected child abuse of neglect or other forms of harm
- Understand what role the Early Years’ setting has in the multi-agency child protection process, including work with children and parents
- Explore issues connected to recording and sharing information, including confidentiality
- Awareness of the emotional impact of safeguarding children on the staff team Identify resources for support in the role
- Consider learning from local and national serious case reviews and audits
Managing Behaviour in the Early Years
This session will support practitioners to understand the importance of self-regulation and co-regulation in the new EYFS framework.
In addition, practitioners will be supported in understanding the extent of children’s needs and the nature of challenging behaviours that are sometimes associated.
The session will help improve the confidence and expertise of practitioners to develop strategies to manage children’s behaviour effectively. It will also support the early identification of additional needs and expertise when making referrals or applying for inclusion funding promptly.
Outdoor Learning
This session will explore ways of promoting children’s wellbeing, physical development, health and wider learning through the outdoor environment.
Practitioners will be supported to improve the quality of their interactions with children outdoors.
The session will equip practitioners with practical ideas and activities to support children’s learning outdoors.
The session will also help practitioners understand how to sequence learning outdoors.
Planning for the needs of children with SEND using the revised EYFS
The session will support practitioners to help children make good progress by focussing on what a child with SEND knows and can do.
Participants will build their confidence and expertise in observing and assessing children’s progress.
The session will explore Universally Speaking as a tool to support practitioners with observing, assessing and planning for the communication and language needs of children with SEND.
PVI and Childminders Forum
To provide Lambeth Early Years providers with regular opportunities to meet other Early Years providers, local authority officers, Early Years Subgroup representatives and guest speakers from the sector.
Participants will:
- Learn about and debate national and local changes and developments within the Early Years sector
- Receive information about relevant issues in a form that facilitates discussion
- Meet the Early Years Sub-group representatives to discuss issues of concern to the sector
- Share and promote good practice
Reducing the workload for childminders
The session will focus on streamlining and reducing the administrative workload by taking a closer look at the organisation of record keeping and reflecting on the systems used asking the question ‘what is necessary and what is not?’.
Revised Development Matters Briefing
The session will introduce practitioners to the revised Development Matters: Non- Statutory Guidance. The session will consider how the document can be used to assist curriculum development and delivery.
Safeguarding Training
To enable participants to recognise the signs of child abuse, and to understand their role in safeguarding children and young people.
Participants will:
- Understand the definitions and impact of child abuse
- Understand the signs of child abuse and neglect in young children
- Explore wider safeguarding issues within our communities
- Know how and when to refer child protection concerns
SENCO drop-in
1:1 drop-in sessions provide practitioners with the opportunity to discuss issues and concerns and find solutions. Practitioners will be required to book a 30-minute slot with the training admin.
SEND support and inclusion funding
This course will help you to understand IEP’s/SEND support plans and the inclusion fund process.
To provide Lambeth Early Years providers regular opportunities to meet, local authority officers and professional guest speakers.
Participants will:
- Keep up to date with National and local changes and developments
- Receive information regarding special educational needs and disability
- Share and promote good practice
Sequencing learning in core strength and coordination
Practitioners will be supported to understand the importance of developing core gross motor movement and co-ordination skills. Emphasis will be placed on how these link to the development of neural pathways and later key competencies from birth through to school readiness.
Sequencing learning in Maths
Practitioners will be supported to understand the key concepts and skills which build over time and equip children to become confident mathematicians. There will be particular emphasis placed on the principles of counting, number patterns and spatial reasoning.
Practitioners will be supported in their subject knowledge and in how to deliver a responsible and fun maths curriculum.
Sequencing learning in the creative arts
Practitioners will be supported in their understanding of the revised educational programme for Expressive arts and design.
Practitioners will be supported to develop their expertise in planning exciting opportunities for children to develop their self expression through:
- Painting
- Sculpting
- Singing
- Dancing
- Role playing
The session will support practitioners to facilitate a mix of child led and adult led experiences for Expressive arts and design.
It will also consider how to use the work of artists to inspire and encourage self-expression.
Sequencing learning through books
Practitioners will be supported to understand how books can be carefully selected and ordered to teach, consolidate, and extend children’s knowledge.
The Keys to Boys Learning
This session will provide an overview of current research into potential gender issues which can lead to the underachievement of boys particularly in the early years.
Emphasis will be placed on being able to evaluate the settings curriculum and routines to suit the learning style and needs of their boy learners.
The session will help practitioners to develop an inclusive learning environment ensuring all children can access the curriculum, thrive and reach their full potential.
Fire Safety Awareness for Early Years with free risk assessment course
This comprehensive eLearning course provides an awareness of fire safety in early years settings and is suitable for all staff working in school, nursery and childminding settings. It has been developed in line with national fire safety legislation and Ofsted guidelines for early years settings. Course content covers the following key areas in line with Level 2 Fire Safety training:
- The importance of fire safety training including legislation
- Fire Risk Assessment
- Causes of Fire
- How fire starts and spreads
- Preventing fire from starting – everyone’s responsibility
- Controlling fire
- Fire safety procedures
- Practising fire drills
Paediatric First Aid Annual Refresher Course
An interactive and engaging e-learning module designed to update and refresh the skills and knowledge of anyone who has completed a Full Paediatric First Aid course.
Continuous assessment throughout the course plus an end of course multiple-choice paper
On successful completion of the course learners receive a certificate valid for 1 year.
This course can be completed on any PC or portable device. It supports all learning styles with interactive quizzes, video, and audio features. Learners can work at their own pace, testing their knowledge as they progress through the course
Infection Control for Childcare Settings
To provide staff working with children with an understanding of how infections including COVID-19 are transmitted and what measures can be put in place to prevent and control their spread.
Learners are assessed through self-checks as they progress through the course and an end of course multiple-choice assessment.
On successful completion, learners can download a CPD accredited certificate as evidence for their portfolio of CPD training.
Access: This online course can be completed on any PC or mobile device. Learners can study at their own pace and log in and out as often as they wish.
Features: Appeals to all learning styles with interactive quizzes, video and audio features. Allows learners to work at their own pace, testing their knowledge as they progress through the course.