Childcare providers can get extra funding to support 3 to 4 year olds, including:
- for your child if you’re getting certain benefits
- a child looked after by the council
- a child looked after by special guardians, or there is a Child Arrangements Order
- a child adopted from care
This extra funding is called early years pupil premium (EYPP) and can give up to £302 per year extra to childcare providers such as pre-schools, nurseries or childminders.
The extra money can help pay for things like books, resources, services or extra training for staff. EYPP is paid directly to childcare providers.
The EYPP is a consent-based system and is voluntary for parents to opt into. The provider should explain the merits of getting the additional funding and the benefits to the child.
Early years providers are ultimately responsible for identifying eligible children, so that local authorities can provide the appropriate funding. Providers are encouraged to speak to parents to find out who is eligible for EYPP funding, especially to the parents of children who took up the early education entitlement for 2 year olds as many of these children will be eligible EYPP when they turn three.
Download the Early years pupil premium: model form and letter for parents. This is to help providers of early years education identify which children are eligible for the early years pupil premium.
Please contact the Business & Workforce Development Team if you have any questions: