Booking policy
Please read this section carefully as well as ceremony bookings and notices are subject to the following terms and conditions.
Lambeth registrars retain the right to cancel any ceremony from proceeding if:
- the nature of the ceremony is not understood by both parties
- either party does not have the mental capacity to understand the nature and purpose of the ceremony
- a lawful objection is made
- either parties are suspected to be acting under duress
- a sham ceremony is suspected.
No food or drink can be consumed during the ceremony. The registrar reserves the right to cancel any ceremony in contravention of this policy.
Lambeth Registrar service will allocate staff to solemnize your ceremony. Requests can be made to have a particular individual, however, due to sickness and other unforeseen circumstances, this can't be guaranteed.
Lambeth Registrar Office will not be held accountable for processing times of external bodies such as the Home Office General Register Office (GRO).