With our central location in south London and the South Bank along the River Thames, we have a wide variety of premises for you to choose from.
If you decide to have your ceremony at one of our licensed venues, we have a range of unique and traditional approved spaces to offer throughout the borough.
To book a ceremony or for further information, please contact the Love at Lambeth Team by email at love@lambeth.gov.uk or by phone on 020 7926 7758.
You will need to confirm with the Superintendent Registrar that our registration officers will be available on that day at that time.
It's essential that you agree the date and time with both the Superintendent Registrar and the venue before making any other arrangements.
Registrars fees for approved venues
For all external approved licensed venues, please contact our Ceremonies Team by email at love@lambeth.gov.uk or phone 020 7926 7758.

The Grade II Town Hall boasts some stunning rooms perfect for your ceremony.

We’re pleased to offer you a range of licensed venues with many unique landmarks to choose from.