Our bereavement services team are on hand to offer advice and inform you of the choices available to you when arranging a dignified burial, cremation, or memorial for your loved one.
Once the funeral is over, coping with the loss of a loved one is difficult for anybody, no matter what the situation. Our team can offer guidance and direction to suitable counselling and support.
Bereavement can make us feel that we are alone, with nobody to talk to and no one who understands. There are various charities and organisations dedicated to supporting people who are dealing with specific incidents of loss.
These charities and organisations offer advice and information. Many have local groups in the area where you can meet others who are going through similar experiences, helping to eliminate feelings of isolation and instead bringing assistance and comfort.
Centre 70 is local to West Norwood Cemetery and Crematorium and can offer a variety of advice and support on debt, benefits, housing, utilities, student finance and general legal advice.
Take a look at these support options available to you.
Bereavement support for children
Grief Encounter
Call: 020 8371 8455
Web: https://www.griefencounter.org.uk/
Child Bereavement UK
Web: https://childbereavementuk.org/
Dealing with the loss of a child
Child Bereavement UK
Web: https://childbereavementuk.org/
The Compassionate Friends
Call: 0117 953 9639
Web: www.tcf.org.uk
The Lullaby Trust
Call: 0870 787 0554
Web: https://www.lullabytrust.org.uk
Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS)
Call: 020 7436 5881
Web: www.uk-sands.org
Child Death Helpline
Call: 0800 282 986
Web: www.childdeathhelpline.org.uk
SLOW - surviving the loss of your world
Call: 07908 93 77 22
Web: www.slowgroup.co.uk
General counselling services
Cruse Bereavement Care
Call: 0808 808 1677
Web: www.cruse.org.uk/
The Samaritans
Call: 116 123
Web: www.samaritans.org/
Centre 70
Call: 020 8670 2775
Web: https://centre70.org.uk/counselling/
Age UK
Call: 0800 055 6112
Web: www.ageuk.org.uk/