Burial and cremation records

We have records of all burials and cremations carried out at the cemeteries and crematoria owned by Lambeth Council.

We hold the following records of burials and cremations at Streatham Cemetery Office for:

  • Lambeth Cemetery from 1854 
  • Lambeth Crematorium from 1958 
  • Streatham Cemetery from 1893

We hold the following records of burials and cremations at West Norwood Cemetery Office:

  • West Norwood Cemetery from 1837
  • West Norwood Crematorium from 1915

Deceased Online website

Search for Lambeth Crematorium records online.

Burial records for West Norwood Cemetery will be available online soon.

There is no time frame at present for when Lambeth and Streatham Cemeteries burial records will be available.

Search the Deceased Online database

View burial records

You may be able to make a personal search of the register by attending our offices. This is strictly by appointment only.

Searches can only be conducted in registers over 75 years, due to data protection.

To make an appointment to come and see a record, please email us at bereavementservices@lambeth.gov.uk.

Need us to conduct a search for you

If you're unable to visit our offices, we can conduct the search on your behalf.

To request a search, email bereavementservices@lambeth.gov.uk and we'll send you an application form.

Paying for a search

The cost for an individual search for one name is £32.

This can be paid by cheque, over the phone, or in person if you're visiting our offices.

Please note: Current legislation prevents individual access by members of the general public to our cremation records younger than 75 years. We are however able to confirm, or otherwise, if a person has been cremated at either of our crematoria.

Lambeth Archives

Lambeth Archives hold records for the borough and is free of charge.

A paid search service is offered for people who are unable to visit in person.

For more information, visit the Lambeth Archives.