What to do when someone dies
Register the death
When someone dies, you’ will need to register the death with the local register office within five days.
You can register the death once you have obtained the medical certificate of death from the hospital or doctor.
The registrar will issue a death certificate to be used for burial or cremation arrangements.
If the death is referred to the coroner's office, the registration will have to wait until the coroner has given permission.
Follow our guide to help you register a death
Inform authorities and companies
Tell Us Once is a free service that lets you report a death to most government organisations in one go.
It enables you to report a death once, telling central and local government services securely and confidentially without you having to inform them individually.
The registrar will provide you with a unique reference number so that you can use the Tell Us Once service.
Make the funeral arrangements
Consider when to set the date and what type of service to have for the funeral, burial or cremation. You may want to appoint a funeral director to arrange it for you.
Read our guide to arranging a funeral
Lambeth Council can advise you or act on your behalf to arrange a funeral by offering the Lambeth Simple Funeral, a direct service for those who may be constrained by budget or wish for a simple, dignified funeral.