Larkhall (CA29)
Reference number: CA 29
First designated: 8 June 1981
Boundary extended: September 1981, May 2001 and March 2012
An original core of the conservation area is early 19th century and fronts onto Larkhall Lane and Priory Grove.
The conservation area was later extended westward along Lansdowne Way to include later 19th century residential terraces. In 2002, the extreme west end of the conservation area, fronting Wandsworth Road and into Lansdowne Way, was removed from this designation and included in the Wandsworth Road conservation area (CA 59).
CA 29 - Larkhall Conservation Area Statement 2012
CA 29 - Larkhall Extension Report 1981
CA 29 - Larkhall Extension Report 1983
CA 29 - Larkhall Extension Report 2001
CA 29 - Larkhall South London Press Notice 2012