Lambeth Palace (CA10)
Reference number: CA 10
First designated: 1968
Boundary extended: 1975, 1980 and 1985. The conservation area boundary was last changed on 18 July 2016.
The Lambeth Palace conservation area has, at its heart, the exceptionally important Lambeth Palace - a complex of buildings dating from the medieval period.
The conservation area also includes the former St Mary's Church, the Victorian buildings of St Thomas Hospital and historic development along Lambeth Road.
CA 10 - Lambeth Palace Extension Notice 1978
CA 10 - Lambeth Palace Extension Notice 1980
CA 10 - Lambeth Palace Extension Report 1976
CA 10 - Lambeth Palace Extension Report 1997
Boundary changes 18/07/16 Appendix 1
Boundary changes 18/07/16 Appendix 2
Boundary changes 18/07/16 Report
CA 10 - Lambeth Palace Extension Report March 1980
CA 10 - Lambeth Palace Extension Report October 1980
CA 10 - Lambeth Palace London Gazette Notice 1969
CA 10 - Lambeth Palace London Gazette Notice1997
CA 10 - Lambeth Palace Press Notice 1969
CA 10 - Lambeth Palace Press Notice 1978
CA 10 - Lambeth Palace Press Notice 1997
CA 10 - Lambeth Palace Conservation Area Character Appraisal 2017