If you need nursing, equipment, training, or continence support, your care will move from the Evelina community nursing team to the adult nursing team and/or the adult continence team when you are 18 years old. They will look after you from then on.
If you receive complex care school nursing:
- planning for the move starts when you are around 16 years old
- adult teams will be involved based on what you need
- from age 18, there will be a transition clinic to talk about things like school, further education, or residential care if needed
If you are supported by the children’s community nursing team:
- planning for your move starts when you are around 15 years old
- if you still need nursing care, the adult community nursing teams will work together to help you
If you need continence support:
- planning starts when you are 17 years old
- you will be introduced to the adult bladder and bowel team to prepare for the change
If you need continuing care:
- adult services will be told when you're 16 or 17 to ensure you get support.