The Children with Disabilities Service (CWD) is a specialist service supporting children and young people with profound, severe, complex and long-term needs.
Who can get support from CWD?
They’ll have a physical or mental barrier that stops them from doing things like feeding, dressing, washing themselves, or playing and socialising in and out of the home.
They will need extra help for the rest of their lives. Their need won’t be from an illness that will go away or an accident they’ll recover from.
They may have a physical disability, sight or hearing barriers, a learning disability, be severely autistic or have complex health needs.
Children and young people who get a service from the CWD team live in Lambeth and are aged between 0 and 18.
What support can they get?
CWD gives advice on disability and services. They can also provide a care package of services for those assessed as needing one. This means services like:
- care arrangements
- short breaks
- respite
- a personal budget
- activities
CWD also supports young people with the transition to adult services.
How do they get support?
Parents and carers can self-refer by calling CWD on 020 7926 5555 to talk about their child’s disability and get advice on services and assessments.
Anyone working with a child with a disability, like a school SENDCO or a health professional, can refer to CWD. They must first talk to their parents or carer.
They should also call 020 7926 5555 if they are worried about a child or to get advice about making a referral. To make a referral, they should use the multi-agency referral form
What happens after a referral?
When a referral is made, a social worker contacts their parents or carer. They talk to them about the child's disability and ask permission to get information from other professionals, like GPs, teachers or other health workers.
What is a CWD assessment?
If the CWD team judges that the needs meet their criteria, and the parent or carer agrees, an assessment will happen. You can get a copy of the criteria by completing this form.
If they don’t think the needs meet the criteria, CWD always offers advice. They’ll tell parents and carers about organisations in the local community that can help.
If they think an assessment is needed, CWD will contact people who work with the child or young person, like teachers, health visitors, doctors or therapists. This is to ensure they fully understand the needs and how they might be met. They will always ask permission first.
What happens after the assessment?
The social worker will talk to the child or young person’s family about:
- what they think the difficulties are
- how children’s social care, and other agencies, might help
Putting a plan in place
CWD will make sure there is a clear care plan everyone understands. It will make clear what services are available and what everyone involved will do to help meet the child or young person’s needs.
Telephone: 020 7926 5555
CWD virtual drop-in session
Takes place on the first Tuesday of every month, from 11:30am to 12:30pm.
To register your interest and get details on how to connect, please email