Keep up to date with everything SEND in Lambeth. Here you will find the most recent SEND news.

Second annual survey for families of children and young people with special education needs or disabilities (SEND)

We continue our work on ensuring Lambeth’s children and young people with SEND are supported and receive services that improve their outcomes. It is important to us, that the families' voice is at the heart of our decision-making and therefore we have launched our second annual SEND families survey.

We welcome parents and carers of children and young people receiving SEND Support, or in receipt of an EHCP, to please complete the survey. If parents/carers have more than one child with SEND, we would like you to complete the survey separately for each child.

Parents and carers are not required to provide their name or contact details. Lambeth Council’s privacy notice has more information about how we use and protect your personal information.

The information received will be used to help us to identify what needs to be improved in the lives of children and young people with SEND and results will be published on the Local Offer webpages to ensure transparency.

The survey is live from Monday 3 June to Sunday 21 July.

SEND Family Survey 2024

We also offer this survey in different formats and in different languages. If you require support in completing the survey, we can talk through the questions and fill in the answers over the phone. This is available upon request via You can email us if you have any further questions or need assistance or you can call us on 020 7926 9460 or 020 7926 7754.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey, your feedback will be used to make sure SEND parents voices are heard.

SEND survey and peer review results  

In November 2023, the Local Government Association (LGA) were invited by Lambeth Council to undertake a SEND Peer Review, to enable a self-assessment to help with the continuous improvement of Lambeth’s SEND provision.

We have used the feedback from both the LGA SEND Peer Review and SEND Annual Survey 2023 to inform our decision-making and create an action plan for 2024 – 2025. 

The action plan reflects the views of families to improve the support provided by education, health and social care, to children and young people with SEND from birth up to 25 years old. 

Read the SEND action plan (PDF, 261KB)